Part III: Administering a Multirater EQ 360 2.0

EQ 360 2.0 Setup and Scoring

Step 4. Create a Report

Results for the EQ 360 2.0 are generated via the Multirater Feedback Report, which is unique to EQ 360 2.0 administrations. This report combines rater results and compares them to the participant’s self-ratings. You do not need to generate a separate EQ-i 2.0 report for the participant.

EQ 360 2.0 Feedback: Quick Report Default Settings

The EQ 360 2.0 Feedback Quick Report settings (Table 7.1) are intended for use by coaches using the EQ 360 2.0 as a development tool, and for those new to the EQ 360 2.0. By default, all settings are ON, except for Confidence Intervals, for which the default setting is OFF. Feedback tools such as Follow-Up Questions and Action Plans help guide your debrief session and development activities.

Table 7.1. EQ 360 2.0 Feedback Quick Report Default Settings

Client Section

Coach Section

Profile Graph

Range labels ON Confidence Intervals OFF

Balancing EI

Balancing Your EI ON Balancing EI ON

Action Plan

Action Plan ON Action Plan ON

Development Commitment Page

Development Commitment Page ON Development Commitment Page ON

Follow-Up Questions

Follow-up Questions ON

Coach’s Guide to EQ 360 Debrief Session

Coach’s Guide ON

Sample Client and Coach Reports using the Quick Report default settings are available when you log in to the EQ-i 2.0 Portal. Each option is defined in more detail when you generate reports and in EQ-i 2.0 Setup and Scoring.