Appendix A: Standardization, Reliability, and Validity Tables

Table A.55.  Self-Other Agreement Correlations between the EQ-i 2.0 and EQ 360 2.0

The following table summarizes the self (EQ-i 2.0) – other (EQ 360 2.0) agreement correlations for the Total EI score, composite scales, and subscales. Correlations range from 0.00 to 1.00, with higher values suggesting higher levels of self-other agreement. Moderate correlations, like those found in this study, provide support for the validity of the EQ 360 2.0. That is, small correlations would indicate a lack of self-other agreement, and very high correlations would indicate redundancy in capturing both self and other ratings. The moderately sized correlations support the validity of the EQ 360 2.0 and provide support for collecting both self and rater reports.


Self-Other Agreement (r) EQ-i 2.0 EQ 360 2.0

Total EI

.60 102.7 15.4 103.9 14.3

Self-Perception Composite

.57 104.7 15.0 105.6 17.1
.61 101.7 15.3 99.9 18.4
.51 105.9 13.3 106.1 14.8
Emotional Self-Awareness
.52 105.0 15.4 108.7 16.7

Self-Expression Composite

.66 101.4 16.3 102.3 15.0
Emotional Expression
.50 101.5 15.4 99.9 17.5
.56 102.9 16.9 104.2 14.9
.59 99.0 17.0 101.7 14.1

Interpersonal Composite

.65 105.3 15.8 106.4 14.3
Interpersonal Relationships
.55 103.7 15.3 104.6 13.5
.65 104.5 15.6 107.3 15.0
Social Responsibility
.59 105.6 15.0 105.3 14.7

Decision Making Composite

.54 101.2 16.9 103.2 13.4
Problem Solving
.55 97.8 16.7 99.5 12.6
Reality Testing
.52 106.1 15.4 108.9 15.0
Impulse Control
.52 99.6 16.9 100.1 14.4

Stress Management Composite

.52 98.8 13.9 100.0 13.0
.49 93.5 15.3 94.0 15.1
Stress Tolerance
.44 99.6 15.5 101.2 13.1
.70 103.3 13.5 104.2 15.1


.72 102.6 13.1 102.2 16.0

Note. N = 108. All correlations significant at p < .01. Guidelines for evaluating r are .10 = small, .30 = medium, .50 = large.