Appendix A: Standardization, Reliability, and Validity Tables

Table A.49. Demographic Characteristics of EQ 360 2.0 Test-Retest Sample

The following table summarizes the demographic characteristics of the EQ 360 2.0 test-retest sample. Ideally, this sample should include representation from a wide range of demographic groups, as found in the EQ 360 2.0 test-retest sample.


N %

Ratee Gender

Male 100 49.3
Female 103 50.7

Ratee Race/Ethnicity

Black 45 22.2
Hispanic/Latino 30 14.8
White 112 55.2
Other 16 7.9

Ratee Age Group (Years)

18–29 52 25.6
30–39 48 23.6
40–49 45 22.2
50–59 43 21.2
60+ 15 7.4

Ratee U.S. Geographic Region

Northeast 29 14.3
Midwest 39 19.2
South 84 41.4
West 50 24.6

Rater Type

Direct report 23 11.3
Manager 51 25.1
Work Peer 96 47.3
Friend/Family Member 33 16.3


203 100.0

Note. All demographic variables represent ratees except Rater Type. Mean and standard deviation for age was unavailable. Region value for one participant was Canada. Time interval mean = 19.3 days (SD = 2.4 days), range = 14–23 days.