Appendix A: Standardization, Reliability, and Validity Tables

Table A.44. Effect Sizes for Gender, Age, and Rater Type Effects in the EQ 360 2.0 Normative Sample

The following table summarizes the effect sizes for the effects of gender, age, and the rater type on the EQ 360 2.0 Total EI score, composite scales and subscales in the normative sample. Meaningful effect sizes (i.e., |d| ≥ .20; partial η2 ≥ .01) suggest differences among participants (ratees) based on the demographic variable, and that separate demographic norm groups may be required. The d and partial η2 values found in the EQ 360 2.0 normative sample suggest negligible or very small effects of ratee gender, ratee age, and rater type.


Ratee Gender (Cohen’s d) Ratee Age (partial η2) Rater Type (partial η2)

Total EI

-0.01 .00 .00

Self-Perception Composite

-0.02 .00 .00


-0.11 .00 .01


-0.02 .00 .01

Emotional Self-Awareness

-0.15 .00 .01

Self-Expression Composite

-0.05 .00 .02

Emotional Expression

-0.29 .00 .00


0.04 .00 .02


0.13 .01 .04

Interpersonal Composite

-0.12 .00 .01

Interpersonal Relationships

-0.01 .00 .01


-0.19 .00 .01

Social Responsibility

-0.11 .01 .00

Decision Making Composite

0.06 .00 .01

Problem Solving

0.14 .00 .02

Reality Testing

0.02 .00 .01

Impulse Control

0.01 .01 .01

Stress Management Composite

0.08 .00 .01


0.04 .01 .01

Stress Tolerance

0.16 .00 .01


0.01 .00 .00


0.03 .00 .00

Note. N = 3,200. Positive Cohen’s d values represent higher scores in males, negative Cohen’s d values represent higher scores in females. Guidelines for evaluating |d| are .20 = small, .50 = medium, .80 = large. Guidelines for evaluating partial η2 are .01 = small, .06 = medium, .14 = large.