Appendix A: Standardization, Reliability, and Validity Tables

Table A.43. Multivariate Effects of Ratee Age, Gender, and Rater Type on EQ 360 2.0 Scores

The following table summarizes the results from the multivariate analyses of covariance (MANCOVAs) conducted on the composite scales and subscales to examine potential effects of gender, age, and rater type, or their respective interactions on EQ 360 2.0 scores in the normative sample. Wilks’ lambda ranges from 0.00 to 1.00 and depicts the amount of variance not explained by the demographic variable. F and p values convey the statistical significance of the demographic variables. Partial η2 values provide an effect size for describing the effects as small, medium, or large. Meaningful effect sizes (i.e., partial η2 ≥ .01) suggest differences among participants based on the demographic variable. Because the interaction effects were not significant at the multivariate level, the univaritate effects of the interactions were not explored.


Demographic Variable

Wilks' Lambda F (df) p Partial η2


Gender .969 20.12 (5, 3166) < .001 .03
Age .970 4.87 (20, 10501.38) < .001 .01
Rater Type .932 15.17 (15, 8740.33) < .001 .02
Gender x Age .992 1.26 (20, 10501.38) .197 .00
Gender x Rater Type .996 0.76 (15, 8740.33) .726 .00
Age x Rater Type .974 1.41 (60, 14828.92) .021 .01


Gender .909 19.76 (16, 3153) < .001 .09
Age .912 4.57(64, 12345.71) < .001 .02
Rater Type .843 11.52 (48, 9455) < .001 .06
Gender x Age .980 1.01 (64, 12345.71) .450 .01
Gender x Rater Type .927 0.97 (48, 9378.60) .537 .01
Age x Rater Type .927 1.26 (192, 30483.87) .009 .01