Appendix A: Standardization, Reliability, and Validity Tables

Table A.30. Demographic Characteristics of EQ-i 2.0 Clinical and Matched General Population Samples

The following table summarizes the demographic characteristics of the depressed/dysthymic, other clinical, and matched general population groups used in validity analyses of the EQ-i 2.0. Ideally, these groups should include representation from a wide range of demographic groups, and the general population group should be demographically similar to the depressed/dysthymic and other clinical groups, as was the case in the samples.


Depressed/Dysthymic Other Clinical Matched General Population
N % N % N %


Male 33 42.9 27 54.0 49 49.0
Female 44 57.1 23 46.0 51 51.0

Age Group (Years)

18–29 12 15.6 9 18.0 17 17.0
30–39 14 18.2 10 20.0 18 18.0
40–49 14 18.2 9 18.0 19 19.0
50–59 21 27.3 7 14.0 20 20.0
60+ 16 20.8 15 30.0 26 26.0
M (SD) 46.2 (15.1) 46.2 (14.7) 46.3 (14.8)

Race/ Ethnicity

Black 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Hispanic/Latino 1 1.3 3 6.0 4 4.0
White 72 93.5 43 86.0 89 89.0
Other 4 5.2 4 8.0 7 7.0

Education Level

High School or Less 5 6.5 6 12.0 30 30.0
Some College/University 24 31.2 19 38.0 28 28.0
College/University or Higher 48 62.3 25 50.0 42 42.0

U.S. Geographic Region

Northeast 19 24.7 11 22.0 21 21.0
Midwest 12 15.6 13 26.0 25 25.0
South 26 33.8 13 26.0 31 31.0
West 20 26.0 13 26.0 23 23.0


77 100.0 50 100.0 100 100.0