Appendix A: Standardization, Reliability, and Validity Tables

Table A.29. Education Level Effects on EQ-i 2.0 Scores in the Normative Sample

The following table displays the means and standard deviations of EQ-i 2.0 Total EI scores, composite scales, and subscales in normative participants with a high school education or less and those with a post-secondary college/university degree. d values provide an effect size for describing differences between the two groups as small, medium, or large. The meaningfully higher scores (i.e., d ≥ .20) found in post-secondary graduates relative to individuals with a high school education or less supports the validity of the EQ-i 2.0.


High School or Less Post-secondary Graduate Cohen’s d

Total EI

M 98.1 103.2 0.33
SD 15.5 14.8

Self-Perception Composite

M 98.0 103.8 0.38
SD 15.5 14.8
M 98.4 102.4 0.26
SD 15.4 14.7
Self Actualization
M 97.5 105.7 0.54
SD 15.5 14.8
Emotional Self-Awareness
M 99.5 101.2 0.11
SD 15.7 15.0

Self-Expression Composite

M 99.0 100.4 0.09
SD 15.7 15.0
Emotional Expression
M 99.1 99.6 0.03
SD 15.6 14.9
M 99.5 100.3 0.06
SD 15.7 15.0
M 99.3 101.2 0.12
SD 15.4 14.7

Interpersonal Composite

M 98.7 102.2 0.23
SD 15.5 14.8
Interpersonal Relationships
M 99.8 99.1 -0.05
SD 15.7 15.0
M 99.1 101.9 0.19
SD 15.4 14.7
Social Responsibility
M 97.4 105.3 0.52
SD 15.5 14.8

Decision Making Composite

M 98.3 104.2 0.38
SD 15.6 14.9
Problem Solving
M 98.7 102.1 0.22
SD 15.4 14.7
Reality Testing
M 98.4 103.7 0.34
SD 15.7 15.0
Impulse Control
M 99.0 104.2 0.33
SD 15.8 15.1

Stress Management Composite

M 97.9 103.0 0.33
SD 15.6 14.9
M 99.2 100.6 0.10
SD 15.7 15.0
Stress Tolerance
M 97.5 104.1 0.43
SD 15.4 14.7
M 98.4 102.6 0.27
SD 15.6 14.9


M 98.9 101.7 0.18
SD 15.7 15.0

Note. Sample sizes vary due to missing data: High school or less, N = 1,748–1,751; Post-secondary Graduate, N = 402.  Positive d values represent higher scores in post-secondary graduates, negative d values represent higher scores in high school or less group.