Appendix A: Standardization, Reliability, and Validity Tables

Table A.28. EQ-i 2.0 Scores in Corporate Leaders

The following table displays the means and standard deviations of the EQ-i 2.0 Total EI score, composite scales, and subscales in the corporate leaders sample used in validity analyses of the EQ-i 2.0. d values provide an effect size to describe the difference between leaders’ scores and those in the normative sample (M = 100, SD = 15) as small, medium, or large. The meaningfully higher scores (i.e., d ≥ .20) found in leaders relative to the normative sample supports the validity of the EQ-i 2.0.


Corporate Leaders Cohen’s d
(Relative to Norms)

Total EI

M 112.2 0.82
SD 11.7

Self-Perception Composite

M 111.4 0.77
SD 11.4
M 108.3 0.56
SD 10.8
M 113.1 0.88
SD 10.4
Emotional Self-Awareness
M 107.0 0.47
SD 14.7

Self-Expression Composite

M 110.8 0.73
SD 11.4
Emotional Expression
M 107.5 0.50
SD 12.9
M 109.5 0.64
SD 12.0
M 108.4 0.57
SD 11.6

Interpersonal Composite

M 109.2 0.62
SD 11.8
Interpersonal Relationships
M 108.3 0.56
SD 10.9
M 106.2 0.41
SD 13.6
Social Responsibility
M 109.6 0.64
SD 12.4

Decision Making Composite

M 109.6 0.64
SD 13.0
Problem Solving
M 109.3 0.63
SD 12.4
Reality Testing
M 109.0 0.60
SD 12.4
Impulse Control
M 104.2 0.28
SD 14.0

Stress Management Composite

M 111.1 0.75
SD 12.7
M 107.4 0.49
SD 13.4
Stress Tolerance
M 110.5 0.70
SD 13.2
M 109.5 0.64
SD 11.5


M 106.9 0.46
SD 11.1

Note. Positive Cohen's d values represent higher mean scores in corporate leaders. Guidelines for evaluating |d| are .20 = small, .50 = medium, .80 = large.