Appendix A: Standardization, Reliability, and Validity Tables

Table A.27. Demographic Characteristics of Corporate Leaders Sample

The following table summarizes the demographic characteristics of the corporate leaders sample. Ideally, this sample should include leaders representing a wide range of demographic groups, as found in our corporate leaders sample.


N %


Male 143 64.7
Female 78 35.3

Age Group (Years)

18–29 16 7.2
30–39 48 21.7
40–49 61 27.6
50–59 66 29.9
60+ 30 13.6
M (SD) 46.8 (11.4)


Black 11 5.0
Hispanic/Latino 8 3.6
White 175 79.2
Other 26 11.8
Missing 1 0.5

Education Level

High School or Less 4 1.8
Some College/University 27 12.2
College/University or Higher 189 85.5
Missing 1 0.5

Occupational Position

CEO 64 29.0
Other C-level (CFO, COO, etc.) 18 8.1
Senior Executive 33 14.9
Director 44 19.9
Manager 44 19.9
Other 16 7.2
Missing 2 0.9


221 100.0