Appendix A: Standardization, Reliability, and Validity Tables

Table A.21. Correlations between EQ-i 2.0 and EQ-i

The following table illustrates correlations between the EQ-i scales and their corresponding EQ-i 2.0 Total EI Score, composite scales, and subscales. Values range from -1.00 to +1.00; values close to -1.00 represent an inverse relationship between scores on the two scales, values close to +1.00 represent a direct relationship, and values close to zero represent a lack of a relationship.  Shaded cells indicate constructs that were relatively unchanged from the EQ-i to the EQ-i 2.0. Unshaded cells indicate constructs that changed substantially from the EQ-i to the EQ-i 2.0. The high positive correlations found between the EQ-i and EQ-i 2.0 support the validity of the EQ-i 2.0.


r EQ-i EQ-i 2.0

Total EI

.90 102.3 14.5 104.6 14.3

Self-Perception Composite

Self-Regard .88 101.4 14.4 104.1 13.1
Self-Actualization .71 100.4 13.0 105.1 13.6
Emotional Self-Awareness* .50 103.1 14.5 103.7 15.1

Self-Expression Composite

Emotional Expression* .84 N/A N/A 102.6 16.5
Assertiveness .65 101.4 12.7 103.9 13.5
Independence .81 104.8 13.9 104.5 13.6

Interpersonal Composite

Interpersonal Relationships .86 99.8 16.2 101.9 14.2
Empathy .78 96.1 14.1 101.5 15.4
Social Responsibility .49 100.3 13.7 104.3 14.6

Decision Making Composite

Problem Solving .57 100.7 13.5 103.7 14.3
Reality Testing .49 104.7 13.1 103.1 15.2
Impulse Control .54 105.6 12.6 100.9 14.0

Stress Management Composite

Flexibility .67 102.3 15.4 102.0 13.8
Stress Tolerance .79 103.7 14.7 103.8 14.9
Optimism .69 98.6 14.6 103.1 13.5


.84 102.1 14.4 102.8 13.3

Note. N = 101. All correlations are significant at p < .01. Guidelines for evaluating r are .10 = small, .30 = medium, .50 = large. N/A = not applicable.
*represents correlations with Emotional Self-Awareness on the original EQ-i.