Appendix A: Standardization, Reliability, and Validity Tables

Table A.2. Comparison of EQ-i 2.0 Scores in U.S. and Canadian Samples

The following table provides mean and standard deviations of EQ-i 2.0 scores in U.S. and Canadian samples. d values provide an effect size to describe differences between the two countries as small, medium, or large. F and p values provide statistical significance tests for these differences. A lack of meaningful (i.e., |d| ≥ .20) differences between U.S. and Canadian participants supports combining the two countries in the normative sample, as was the case in the EQ-i 2.0 data.


U.S. Canada d F p

Total EI

M 98.9 99.5 -0.04 0.74 .391
SD 15.4 15.5

Self-Perception Composite

M 99.8 100.1 -0.02 0.21 .646
SD 15.3 15.4
M 99.1 100.0 -0.06 1.57 .210
SD 14.9 15.0
M 100.5 100.7 -0.01 0.07 .789
SD 15.3 15.4
Emotional Self-Awareness
M 99.9 99.6 0.02 0.27 .606
SD 15.3 15.4

Self-Expression Composite

M 98.4 99.1 -0.04 0.85 .358
SD 15.3 15.4
Emotional Expression
M 99.2 99.2 0.00 0.00 .991
SD 15.2 15.3
M 100.1 100.4 -0.02 0.16 .689
SD 14.9 15.0
M 97.2 98.4 -0.08 3.22 .073
SD 15.2 15.3

Interpersonal Composite

M 99.6 100.7 -0.07 2.10 .147
SD 15.3 15.4
Interpersonal Relationships
M 99.3 100.4 -0.08 2.68 .102
SD 15.3 15.4
M 99.8 100.1 -0.02 0.28 .596
SD 15.2 15.3
Social Responsibility
M 100.1 101.3 -0.08 3.01 .083
SD 15.1 15.2

Decision Making Composite

M 98.5 97.3 0.07 2.56 .109
SD 15.5 15.6
Problem Solving
M 97.8 97.5 0.02 0.14 .710
SD 15.3 15.4
Reality Testing
M 99.9 99.6 0.02 0.11 .739
SD 15.3 15.3
Impulse Control
M 99.0 96.7 0.14 9.64 .002
SD 15.5 15.6

Stress Management Composite

M 98.7 100.2 -0.10 4.84 .028
SD 15.1 15.1
M 98.1 99.7 -0.10 4.89 .027
SD 15.1 15.2
Stress Tolerance
M 99.0 100.2 -0.08 2.76 .097
SD 14.8 14.9
M 99.5 100.6 -0.08 2.63 .105
SD 15.2 15.3


M 99.6 100.8 -0.08 2.69 .101
SD 15.2 15.3

Note. Sample size ranges (due to missing data): U.S., N = 5,902 to 5,905; Canada, N = 507 to 508. df for F-tests: Total EI = 1, 6407; composite scales = 1, 6406; subscales = 1, 6403. Positive Cohen's d values signify higher means in the U.S. group, negative Cohen's d values signify higher means in the Canadian group. Guidelines for evaluating |d| are .20 = small, .50 = medium, .80 = large.