Appendix A: Standardization, Reliability, and Validity Tables

Table A.12. Demographic Characteristics of the EQ-i 2.0 Test-Retest Samples

The following table summarizes the demographic characteristics of the EQ-i 2.0 test-retest samples. Ideally, these samples should include representation from a wide range of demographic groups, as found in the EQ-i 2.0 test-retest samples.


2–4 Weeks 8 Weeks
N % N %


Male 101 49.5 52 49.1
Female 103 50.5 54 50.9


Black 29 14.2 3 2.8
Hispanic/Latino 13 6.4 2 1.9
White 141 69.1 95 89.6
Other 21 10.3 6 5.7

Age Group (Years)

18–29 23 11.3 11 10.4
30–39 47 23.0 9 8.5
40–49 38 18.6 19 17.9
50–59 41 20.1 35 33.0
60+ 55 27.0 32 30.2
M (SD) 47.7 (15.2) 51.4 (13.9)


204 100.0 106 100.0