Part V: creating the EQ-i 2.0 and EQ 360 2.0

EQ-i 2.0 Leadership Report Interpretive Guide

Interpretation Guidelines

The EQ-i 2.0 Leadership Report is useful for leaders at all levels, from front-line managers through to the C-level suite (e.g., CEO, COO). The report allows you to reframe the client’s emotional intelligence results and view them through a leadership framework. While interpreting your client’s results, you are reminded to contextualize the results in terms of the client’s particular organization, work culture, and role. By focusing on lower scoring subscales, you can implement a strategy to bolster those particular areas in order for the client to reach his/her true leadership potential. You should take note of any Strategies for Action that seem particularly relevant to your client’s role and organization. Your client should try to implement them in his/her daily responsibilities at work.

You can examine the Executive Summary page to view the client’s three highest and three lowest scoring subscales, and the Leadership Potential page (an optional feature) to examine how your client fares on four essential leadership dimensions that are crucial to successful leadership.

The Leadership Potential page includes a section on Leadership Derailers. If your client scores lower on select subscales that have been associated with lower levels of leadership success (Impulse Control, Stress Tolerance, Problem Solving, Independence), your client may adopt a more passive or avoidant leadership style. For instance, if your client scores low on all four subscales, he/she may make rash decisions, may not maintain composure under pressure, may have difficulty making tough decisions, and may not maintain enough autonomy to exert his/her leadership influence. Targeting development efforts on these lower scoring areas may prove fruitful for your client in order to harness his/her leadership potential.

In addition, by examining your client’s scores relative to the Leadership Bar, you can investigate how your client fares in comparison to scores from top leaders from the leadership sample on Total EI, all composite scales, the 15 subscales and the Well-Being Indicator. You can also view whether your client’s subscales are balanced, and read about current hot topics in leadership (an optional feature).

For more detail on interpretation, please refer to section IV Using the Results, Step by Step Interpretation Sequence (Step 1 through 7)