Part IV: Using the Results

Coaching Fundamentals

Your Role: The EQ-i 2.0 Coach

As an EQ-i 2.0 Coach, your role is to work with your client on the areas of the EQ-i 2.0 he will develop. If you have education and experience in counseling, you may, in certain circumstances, choose to counsel your client. If you do not have a background in counseling, you will refer your client to a professional if appropriate (many times this is accomplished through an organization’s internal Employee Assistance Program) For example, as you are providing feedback to a client on his EQ-i 2.0 results, he tells you that he’s been feeling overwhelmed and depressed lately. If you are a coach, and not a counselor, your response would be to refer your client to a professional.

As a professional who uses psychological tests you should confine your testing and related coaching activities to your area of competence (as demonstrated through your education, experience, training and credentialing) (APA, 1999). If the time comes when you feel unequipped to discuss a particular matter with your client, you are ethically responsible to ensure that client has another professional to seek help from. You may never need to use a referral, but if you do, you should be able to easily provide your client with that contact information.

According to the ICF (“Core Competencies”, 2011), a coach's responsibility is to:

If you are not a professional coach, there are still some foundational principles you can demonstrate in order to effectively debrief your client’s results:

You can do this by:

EQ 360 Additional Information