Part IV: Using the Results

Understanding the Results

Step 6: Compare EQ-i 2.0 Results to Findings from Additional Sources of Information

In order to augment findings obtained with the EQ-i 2.0, wherever possible consultants should use additional sources of information to help paint a clearer picture of the client’s emotional and social functioning. These additional sources might include observations, behavioral interviews, past discussions with the client, work performance reports/feedbacks, academic records or other psychological assessments and inventories. For more information on combining emotional intelligence and personality type, refer to Introduction to Type and Emotional Intelligence (Pearman, 2002). If you are using other EI assessments in conjunction with the EQ-i 2.0 (e.g., MSCEIT), refer to Emotional Intelligence in Action (Hughes, Patterson, & Terrell, 2005).

Obtaining supplemental data is especially important when the EQ-i 2.0 is being used to make selection and clinical decisions. When these additional sources of information are used, a richer, more comprehensive, and more powerful set of findings can be created for discussion with your client through the debrief process.