Part IV: Using the Results

Coaching Fundamentals


Emotional Intelligence can be developed. Is it easy to develop? Certainly not! Change does not happen overnight and improving upon EI skills is no different. Individuals embarking on personal growth in the area of EI benefit from ongoing and extensive understanding, commitment, practice and feedback that results from the relationship with an EI coach (Hughes, Thompson & Terrell (eds), 2009).

This page contains an overview of coaching strategies and techniques that align with the EQ-i® 2.0 and EQ 360® 2.0. Strategies presented will include both individual and group-based coaching techniques along with best practices to ensure that both you and your client receive the greatest benefit from the EQ-i 2.0 experience. When used as part of an intensive development process, coaching interventions based on EQ-i 2.0 skills have been shown to increase participants’ EI in post coaching assessments (Dulewicz & Higgs, 2004; Fletcher & Leadbetter, 2009). Following the best practices provided on this page will set you up to experience the same success in your coaching practice.