Part IV: Using the Results

EQ-i 2.0 Case Studies

Contributing Authors

John Elliott

Senior Course Designer Trainer & Facilitator

John Elliott is a graduate of both York University and the University of Toronto. He holds degrees in Psychology. In addition to his academic credentials, John has extensive skill as a coach and is certified as an EQ Coach and facilitator. His experience in leading organizations and managers through change has been part of his repertoire for over 20 years. He has provided his services to a wide cross-section of clients across a variety of sectors. He has been recognized as an effective presenter who is capable of engaging his audience in interactive and meaningful training. In the past, he has had a robust career in a management and life-skills coaching practice, helping individuals to strive towards their goals.

Currently, he is researching a book on integrating employee development within the context of knowledge management. He is also active in teaching at the post-secondary level and has acted as a mentor for future leaders in organizations. John’s insights in helping organizations and individuals meet goals make him a sought after coach and speaker. John translated his expert knowledge of individual and managerial competencies into training that resulted in better and more effective individual performance and team work. For organizations, his insights and training led to both higher performance and increased productivity.

John is a leading practitioner in the field of Emotional Intelligence. John has provided many leaders with an understanding of EQ skill that have helped them accelerate their career prospects. In the past few years John has been supporting leadership and training programs within the OPS. He has designed, developed and delivered numerous courses that specifically support OPS strategic initiatives in the development and retention of talent.

Since 1989, he has spoken to over 1,500 audiences, many of them repeat engagements. His clientele includes Fortune 100 companies, government at all three levels in Canada, and many international corporations. He works in a variety of contexts, including corporate leaders and government officials, representing a remarkably diverse cross-section of the economy. John is much sought after as a speaker, curriculum developer, trainer and executive coach. He has presented keynote speeches, workshops, and seminars all across Canada. His high-quality, high-energy programs are both well-researched and delivered. John’s courses are delivered in a down-to-earth style that makes his training a memorable and satisfying experience.

Kelley Marko, MBA, MA

Consultant, Executive Coach and Learning Facilitator

Kelley is president of Marko Consulting Services Inc., a leading Canadian firm working with organizations worldwide in developing high-performance leaders and enabling sustainable and meaningful change. In all his work, Kelley’s ultimate focus is to move individuals and organizations to strategy and informed action that impacts the bottom line.

Kelley is also a professional executive coach and certified adult educator. He is a master trainer and coach of emotional intelligence (EQ) and has worked with hundreds of leaders across diverse industries to improve their competencies. Kelley holds an MBA from York University and an MA in Leadership and Learning from Royal Roads University. In addition to leading his own professional practice, Kelley is a seminar leader, and customized in-house program facilitator for the Schulich Executive Education Centre at York University, Toronto, Canada.

His background incorporates front-line through senior leadership positions in industry and professional management consulting with PriceWaterhouseCoopers and in partnership with McKinsey in the area of organization and change strategy. Based in the Toronto, Canada area, Kelley has worked with organizations around the globe including Bell Canada, Toyota, IBM, American Express, Atomic Energy of Canada, Laidlaw Carriers, MOEN, YellowPages Group, and Outward Bound.

Hile Rutledge, MSOD

CEO, OD Consultant, and Author

CEO and Owner of OKA (Otto Kroeger Associates), Hile is author of the EQ-i®, MBTI® Introduction, the Four Temperaments Workbooks and the co-author of the revised Type Talk At Work, Generations: Bridging the Gap with Type and Reversing Forward. Hile Rutledge is an experienced organization development consultant, trainer and public speaker with a background in management, sales, adult education and leadership development. Hile’s primary area of expertise is the use of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicatorâ and the EQ-i assessments as self-management, leadership and communication tools. Hile has done extensive work with both public and private sector clients whose needs range from team building, communications and feedback training, conflict management, strategic planning and other large group events and skills-based workshops.

During his career, Hile has found success in archaeology, public relations, sales management, career counselling and independent organization development consulting. Hile has a BA in Humanities from Hampden-Sydney College and a Master of Science in Organization Development from the American University (AU/NTL). Hile resides with his wife and two sons in Falls Church, Virginia.

Marcia Huges, JD

Consultant, Master Trainer, and Author

Marcia Hughes is President & CEO of Collaborative Growth, and serves as a strategic communications partner for organizations. Marcia and her team offer team building, keynotes, workshops, and leadership and employee development to provide organizations with strategic behavior alignment by bringing their values, intentions and behaviors into sync. As master trainers and facilitators, Collaborative Growth’s mission is to provide consulting which results in lasting behavioral change. As an international leader in EI, Marcia is a member of the EI Consortium.

Marcia and her partner, James Terrell, are authors of The Team Emotional & Social Intelligence Survey® (TESI®), an online team assessment. She is co-author of The Handbook for Developing Emotional Intelligence, A Facilitator’s Guide to Team Emotional and Social Intelligence, A Coach’s Guide to Emotional Intelligence, The Emotionally Intelligent Team, and Emotional Intelligence in Action and author of Life’s 2% Solution. Marcia practiced law for over 20 years, operating her own successful law firm, which focused on complex public policy matters. Before entering private practice, Ms. Hughes worked with governmental and public interest organizations. She served as a special assistant to the Executive Director of the Department of Public Health and the Environment and as an Assistant Attorney General. She clerked on the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals for the Honorable William E. Doyle and served with the Environmental Protection Agency in Washington, D.C. Clients include the World Bank, Medtronic, American Express, Toronto School Board, federal, state and local governments, corporations, non-profits and foundations.

Dana Ackley, Ph.D.

CEO, Executive Coach, and Author

Dana C. Ackley, Ph.D., is CEO of EQ Leader,  Inc., a consulting and executive coaching firm that helps successful leaders prepare for their next level of achievement. He earned his Ph.D. in psychology in 1973. Since that time he has worked with leaders from a variety of organizations, including Fortune 500 companies, the Federal Government, healthcare systems, law enforcement, and local government. He and his colleagues use psychological principles to build leadership skills that become deeply anchored in the individual they coach.

His EQ Leader Program (MHS, 2006) is a comprehensive, step-by-step approach to executive EQ skill development. It includes workshops, EQ assessment, development planning, work-based exercises and executive coaching to move participants from conceptual understanding to lasting behavior change. The EQ Leader Program is used by coaches and organizations around the world. Training in the program is available through EQ Leader, Inc.

Derek Mann, Ph.D.

Manager R&D, Consultant, and Author

Derek T.Y. Mann, Ph.D., is a performance enhancement consultant and co-founder of the Performance Psychology Group, LLC (PPG), an organization responsible for providing coaching services to athletes and corporate executives across North America.
Derek has spent several years investigating the impact of emotion on human performance with elite populations which has been published in several leading professional and academic publications. Most recently he has co-authored the Emotional Intelligence Skills Assessment. Given his expertise in this domain, Derek has also served as a contributing editor to several leading academic and professional journals.

Derek is currently a Manager, Research and Development at Multi-Health Systems Inc., where he has contributed to the growth and accessibility of emotional intelligence through assessment, training and development, and professional presentations throughout North America.

Katie Ziemer, MOrgPsych

Senior Research Associate, 360° Specialist

Katie Ziemer is a Senior Research Associate with MHS specializing in the development of corporate assessments and, most recently, the revision of the EQ-i 2.0. With a background in organizational development, performance measurement, training and 360° feedback delivery and design, Katie’s focus has always been on blending practices grounded in psychological science into individual and organizational measurement strategies.

Katie has been an external consultant to both private and public organizations across Canada and Australia. She received her BSc (Hons) from St. Mary's University in Halifax and her Master's in Organizational Psychology from Curtin University in Australia. Her education and industry experience is currently being applied to the assessment and sustained development of emotional intelligence.

Brett Richards, MA

President, Global Consultant

Brett is the founder and President of Connective Intelligence Inc., a global consulting firm that offers business-based solutions to improve the current performance and future potential of organizations. Connective Intelligence specializes in mapping and developing thinking and emotional capabilities to increase individual, team and organizational performance. In addition, Brett is an industry practitioner instructor at the Schulich Executive Education Centre.

With a long time interest and academic training in emotional intelligence, he is also a Master Trainer and Coach with the EQ-i® (emotional quotient inventory) and is the developer of Emotional Power®, a practical business-based model used to apply the concepts of emotional intelligence in the workplace.

Deena Logan, MA

Psychometrician, EI Specialist

Deena is a Psychometrician in Research and Development at Multi-Health Systems Inc., working primarily with emotional intelligence assessments. Areas of focus include applied work on the predictive ability of EI in relation to job performance, and international adaptations of MHS EI tools.