Part IV: Using the Results

EQ-i 2.0 Case Studies

Case Study 6

Submitted by: Kelley Marko

Client Background

Eight years ago, John left a senior executive position in a large natural-resources company and accepted a demotion to work in a Fortune 500 services organization. This life-changing decision was influenced by two factors: his desire to reduce his unreasonably long hours at work so that he could spend more time with his wife and young children, and a significant health scare that was directly related to the overwhelming stress he experienced at work. Over his eight-year tenure with his current organization, John has continued to prove his value. Now, at the age of 46, and several promotions later, John is once again occupying a senior executive position.

John’s organization has been affected by an economic downturn and this has significantly raised the level of stress and anxiety throughout the organization at being able to achieve targets and meet plans. As a result, the Executive team has been focused on short-term results and cost cutting in an attempt to satisfy the company’s shareholders. This orientation has resulted in decisions and behaviors that are fuelled by the pursuit of quick fixes that often come at the expense of engaging teamwork and leadership, even though the organization promotes the importance of these concepts through its published values.

In light of this development, John now feels the pull to return to his old and unhealthy ways of leading and managing. In an attempt to preserve his well-being and prevent his career from once again becoming derailed, John has engaged me as his executive coach to assist him in balancing the short-term needs of the company with his long-term desire to be a better leader.

Summary of EQ-i 2.0 Results

Coaching Approach & Development Strategies

Gaining an in-depth understanding of John’s current work and life environment through discussions and focused questions was the critical first step to moving forward with our coaching relationship. This step not only helped me better understand John’s wants and needs but also provided a foundation for better understanding his EQ-i 2.0 results in context.

An analysis of his results in conjunction with a private and confidential debrief and coaching session revealed several important revelations that provided a clear focus for our coaching relationship:

In conclusion, John’s EQ-i 2.0 assessment, in conjunction with an in-depth understanding of his current work and a detailed debrief and coaching session, allowed us to consider the multiple aspects and interrelated perspectives that would assist him in better aligning his behaviors with his intentions. The EQ-i framework also provided a common language for both myself (the Coach) and John to label these dynamics and work with them in a more intentional way as we moved forward with ongoing coaching and leadership development.